I grew up in Rutland Vermont. When I was little, Dad took me to the River 
Road Bridge many times where we would watch the steam trains being built in 
the Rutland yard. Sometimes we went down Scales Avenue to watch the action 
at the roundhouse and turntable. Grandfather had taken Dad to the very same 
places to watch the steam behemouths, to hear them chug and hiss and strain 
accelerating under load.


For more information on the Rutland Road, see:


Before he died, I bought Dad a book called "The Rutland Road", by Jim 
Shaughnessy. Dad had alzheimers and had trouble remembering the present, but 
his grip on the past was still excellent. He loved the book and spent many 
hours looking at the photos of a world passed by.

It's been several years now since Dad passed. I miss the trains, I miss the 
yard, I still miss him. Looking this up has made me cry again.

"Gort, klaatu barrada nikto!"
  -- Guess the author!

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