Timber:  I am not offended at all by your generous critique, & rest assured 
your English is just fine.  You clearly conveyed your points & I received 
them positively.  I forgot to use my reflector to bounce a little light into 
the shadow areas because I got caught up in the moment & even forgot I had 
the reflector with me.  Clearly, a boo-boo on my part.  We did do some shots 
of Belinda looking at the window on the left, but we didn't like them as 
much as shot.  As we looked through the photos, we gravitated towards the 
ones where we thought the eyes looked dramatic.  I think Belinda has nice 
eyes & Belinda likes her eyes, so we wanted to feature them.  I really like 
the BW, and I disagree a bit about more room at the bottom.  As shot, there 
was more of her hand in the frame, but we wanted to get the viewer to focus 
on the eyes, so we decided to crop the bottom, leaving just a hint of the 
glove.  I do appreciate the point about that black line in the background; 
perhaps, I'll attempt a clone-out of that.  The tight crop is my favorite as 
well, but the BW is also a great favorite of mine.  Thanks so much for your 
thoughtful critique.  It's greatly appreciated.
Big Cheers, Christine

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Timber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: GESO Belinda Portraits

> Hi :D
> I like your photos but I might add a few comments :D
> I am not an experienced portrait photographer so don't take too serious
> what I write :D These are just my two cents :D
> All the 4 pictures are great, but let me add a little critique to all of
> them :D
> Belinda 1: I like the composition overall but the right (always talking
> about director's side) of the picture a bit too dark for me. Also her
> hand is too far from her head and it makes the picture a little weighted
> to the right. Also the background is a little disturbing, especially the
> bright line on the left. I was thinking about if the picture would be
> better if she doesn't looks directly into the camera but trough the
> window on the left.
> Belinda 2: This is a really lovely picture. Again the left side is a
> little dark, especially under her hands. The brown part (probably the
> window's frame) is taking too much attention and it's a little
> disturbing for me.
> Belinda 3: I really love this re-cut of the picture. Cropped differently
> from the previous version it brings me a whole new picture making the
> lovely atmosphere of the previous picture into a serious one! Wish you
> left just a little more room at the bottom. Overall this is my favourite
> from the 4 shots.
> Belinda 4: The B&W conversion makes this picture fantastic. The tones
> and the dynamic range of the picture is excellent! Only two small
> comments about the picture: 1, I would leave more space at the bottom
> and less at the top and the right side. 2, the black line in the
> background is a little disturbing.
> If you don't mind I might add a few tips:
> Use the flash with a diffusor if the light comes from one of the sides.
> That would make the dynamic range of the photo better and would not
> leave the half of the face in shadow. With K10D you can lower the
> strength of the flash enough to only lighten the shadowy parts a bit.
> In portraits I prefer shallow Depth of Field, that's why I shoot
> portraits with the widest aperture available (and probably that's why
> the 85mm/f1.2 lens were the most famous portrait lens ever made :D).
> With the 50-135 it would make the background nicely blurred.
> Try to shoot portraits where the model is not looking directly into the
> camera. That makes a whole new feeling :D but remember to leave enough
> space for the look.
> Hope my letter is not too offensive (I am not a native english speaker
> so sometimes it's a little hard to express myself in english :D) and you
> don't take it as too hard critique. All the pictures are great and I
> really enjoyed watching them especially with such a lovely modell you
> had ^.~
> Cheers,
> .timber
> Christine Aguila wrote:
>> Hi Everyone:
>> Here are 4 informal photos of a dear friend of mine, Belinda.  K10D,
>> DA*50-135, all at 135mm, tripod mounted.  We had a bit of dress-up play.
>> Belinda 1: 1/20 @ 5.6, ISO 100
>> http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=6981777
>> Belinda 2: 1/8 @ 4.0, ISO 200
>> http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=6981804
>> Belinda 3:  Heavy crop of above
>> http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=6981841&size=lg
>> Belinda 4: 1/25 @ 4.0, ISO 280
>> http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=6981865&size=lg
>> For a smaller version, here's the slideshow.
>> http://photo.net/photodb/slideshow?folder_id=811484
>> Comments & critique welcome.
>> Cheers, Christine
> -- 
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