----- Original Message -----
From: "aimcompute"
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

> I don't take my regular film to a Wal-Mart (no offense Bill).
If it's
> family snapshots, yes I do. I usually shoot transparency, so I
take it to
> the best "pro" lab in town I know of, Media Specialties.

No offence taken. In the work place, one of the things one needs
to realize is the limitations placed on him or her by his
employer. Wal~Mart is not interested in being a "pro" lab, the
same way they are not interested in selling Armani suits.
We are what we are, if that isn't what you want. go elsewhere.
Enough people want what we are to make us the most successful
retailer in the world.
We add significantly to the bottom line profit of the company,
which is where the rubber meets the road.

I have worked for pro labs, I have operated my own pro lab. I
choose to live where a pro lab is not a viable entity. I choose
to live here because it is unlikley that some asshole  will fly
a plane into what passes for a tall building or poison my water
or contaminate my local post office.
If the price I pay for living somewhere that is unlikely to be
fucked up by dipshits is to work for a 1 hour kiosk, I happily
accept the price.
My house is paid for, I have food on the table, my dogs love me
and I get laid on a regular basis.
I have no complaints.
William Robb
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