Hi Ira: Wow, I love the 2nd one. I think it's lovely. I do have a suggestion, but if you think I'm way off base, go ahead and ignore: Maybe crop out the building on the right. I really love the building on the left; it's very pretty & all the other little buildings accent the big building wonderfully, but that building on the right distracts to my eye. Now that will give a squarish crop, but I like square crops, but you might not. Anyway, lovely 2nd shot. Again, just ignore if the suggestion doesn't suit you. Big cheers, Christine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ira Bryant" <irabry...@sbcglobal.net>
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 4:03 PM
Subject: PESO: From the Peak

Last Christmas I traveled with my wife to Hong Kong, mainland China, and Macau. It was her first time home in three years, and the first time I had ever been there. I also met my in-laws for the first time.

Most of my photography time since then has been spent working on a Blurb book of the trip. This has turned out to be a bigger project than I thought. The pictures are all done, but the text and captions are taking a long time. I haven't really shared the pictures I took with anyone, yet, except for the two I submitted for the PDML book. I thought I would stop and share a couple more.

The first place any tourist goes in Hong Kong is usually to the top of Victoria Peak. It is situated in the middle of Hong Kong, and has a beautiful view of the city. I managed to get there right at sunset, and got a decent spot. I didn't have a tripod, though, and my pictures suffered for it. The place is elbow-to-elbow photographers. I guess it is the worst kind of tourism to do, but it was only a few hours of a two week trip. And the view was very lovely, and nothing I can see back in Oklahoma.

So here are a couple of photos:

With maximum cliche - http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3600/3300800173_10e5149080_o.jpg

     Taken with the K100D Super and DA21

With slightly less cliche - http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3385/3300800617_b1b2758e13_o.jpg

Taken with a Sears 80-200 f/4. I bought a Pentax M150 f/3.5 toward the end of the trip to replace it, but it is what I had at the time. I had the SR set wrong, that is why the EXIF
      data says I am using a 50mm lens. Photography is hard.

Any comments on the photos, especially post-production tips, would be appeciated.


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