David, just read the thread, our best wishes of a fast, full and complete healing.

Sad to read about the hospital issue - sometimes I wonder what we're supposed to do to get help... On the bright side, it's much better she didn't need surgery and the less time she spends in any hospital, less chance of infections. Some of the bugs there have acquired resistance to almost any antibiotics.

Hard to do, but watch out for new falls. I think there is a better device than crutches, kind of a "open square" that is stable by itself and used by the elderly. My worst nightmare (my parents are 70+ and Dad has a weak knee) is the mix of a small amount of water and the wrong kind of pavement - little things common in almost every house.

In little time she'll be up and riding again...


(watch if you can smell sandalwood incense and hear some faint chanting... tonight's meditation is about you folks)

David J Brooks escreveu:
Hi gang

Just thought i would pass this on, Erin was hurt riding a clients
large pony last night around 4pm.

The horse reared up, with her on its back, but kept on going and she
landed on Erin.
Ambulance ride to Markham-Stouffville hospital, X-rays and Cat scan
showed two small fractures, one in left pelvic area and one in left
hip socket.
Lots of pain, i guess that's to be, but its not serious enough for an
operation or hospital admittance. Bed rest and no weight on the left
They wanted to send her home last night, but three nurses could not
get her out of bed. We told the doctor we would feel better if she at
least stayed over night, and she did.
Home care can be arranged, Liz and I, working that split shift can be
helpful, but i'm still a bit ticked off, they wanted to send her home.
How do we get her in the house.
Apparently we can get crutches and she can use them if she needs to
get from bed to the toilet, but we'll see how that goes.
A rider friend stopped by to see her, and she went through the same
thin a few years ago, and offered encouragement.

Time will tell.

This puts a damper on her new promotion at the farm, she is now the
assistant barn manager.


Luiz Felipe
luiz.felipe at techmit.com.br

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