I understand your point fairly well.

I decided to work as photographer some time ago. Got the same comments from everywhere, since I was using a Pentax LX and no professional would use Pentax because those cameras weren´t up to Nikon, Canon, Minolta...

Stubborn, I pushed and got some acceptance - and won some bets too. Then I needed some 120 format camera, and of course, I needed a Hasselblad... since the Pentax 67 was such a poor camera and the lenses were no good...

One day I got really fed up, and cut my 67 slides a little more, placed them in 66 mounts and told one of the smart guys I had just bought a Hasselblad, and how did he like my photos? Smart guy congratulates me on my new gear, loves my photos, wich show an impressive evolution, not only because the Hassy was better, but also because I was able to control my photos better. After I get him to praise the shots in the next public meeting I just pull out the mount and tell him to get eyes checked. Won´t talk to me to this day, more than 20 years later...

I did add some Canon FD gear later (a full set for a very good price and came with the selective metering Pentax wouldn´t offer then), found me a good-working 500 C/M (polaroid,645 and 66 backs, more leaf shutter lenses), bought a Sinar (4x5 and full moves, even if I used it more often with the 67 back), and for a time had a set of tools almost perfectly matched to the jobs at hand. While I became able to get more photos done, my photos didn't improve due to gear change... they actually suffered for a while, until I got to control the new gear as I handled the oldies. Time lag on the F1n alone made me return to the LX to grab some of those moments.

Then all pro photo in Fortaleza was done in 120 format, so I sold the FD gear and returned to Pentax. Then the new trend would be Digital, and of course I needed Canon or Mamiya(!) or some costly adapter that would expose the colors in three different exposures, and one day I lose one specific project that was in the sixth month of development because... I was working with obsolete slide film, and some local guy deported from somewhere in the world for working without permit had just arrived with the perfect tool, capable of instant review, so he would continuously adjust the photos to the client interest... some brand new Nikon pro camera, under 6 mp... not the obsolete Hasselblad.

Unless you would like the other aspects of the profession, you may end up enjoying your photos more as amateur. Not that I doubt you ARE capable of working - at the photographic level your photos would allow you to work anywhere you want. But the smart persons you´ll work for and the "proper profee tool" set are part of the deal. Even if you make your way with the Amateur-oriented Pentax.



Timbah! escreveu:
One of the main problems is I've Pentax. Not kidding. An agency will never talk with someone who has Pentax. The minimum is Full Frame, which Pentax not planning to release. With a Nikon D700 or Canon EOS 5D (MK1) I could start with luck :)

Also my equipment really lacks many things to become a professional. All the shots with Dovile was made with the FA 50 f1.4 and I had some "bad experience" with the focusing speed and accuracy of the K20D.

It also made me think about Pentax and Professional Photography.

Pentax is the very best amateur level camera and so far I know they always were in the 35mm market. The Pentax K20D is a fantastic camera, but it has some serious downs. The AF is really a pain in the rear sometimes, not to mention the focus feedback with MF lenses. For Nature it's very good since you have time, but for sport and fashion it's kinda weak. I did 'journalist' photographies with a 40 years old Carl Zeiss lens (f4/300) and it was way better than the other guy with a Canon EOS 40D + 70-200 f4 L (said the editor :P), but I often feel the need of something quicker. I did live performance photography yesterday (a dutch band called Kraak & Smaak played at Trafalgar Square) and many of my shots seems to be just a little OOF.

The main problem is (I believe) that in this 'running' world you need to keep the tempo or you will fail (Minolta is one of the best examples). Also Samsung seem to be getting independent from Pentax as the EVIL system was developed alone and they don't want to share it with Pentax. Without Samsung I wonder how well Pentax will suceed, but I am afraid it might have difficulties.

So all in all I wonder what Pentax will do... but they need something BIG :)


Ps> I can't do professional photography work because I lack the two E-factor: Experience and Equipment :D

Christine Aguila wrote:
Wow! Stunning! You've picked some gorgeous women to photograph. Your style is so distinct, Timber--really great! Sorry to hear about Friday--what was it about last week?

Anyway--I'd follow Cotty's suggestion and get your work out there and to the London agencies!
Cheers, Christine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Timbah!" <tim...@clancode.hu>
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:18 AM
Subject: GESO: Meet Dovile :)

Hi list,

I had a quite terrible friday but it turned to be good in the end. I had my first girl-photo-shoot :)

A lituanian girl asked me to do some photos of her and this friday in heavy rain we went out (thanks for Pentax Weather Sealing) and took some pictures.

Well... long story short: We had a good time and in the end I think we had a few good shots.


More on my stream.


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Luiz Felipe
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