Welcome, and gear discussion is welcome.
I've learned all I know about Pentax gear here in the last 10 years. :-)  :-(
Spot metering with 'A' lenses on my PZ-1p got me posting here years ago.
Regards,  Bob S.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 2:52 AM, Eckehard Wegner<> wrote:
> Ok here comes - you've read the name so I'll skip that; I'm 39 years
> old and live in Hamburg, Germany about a 10 minute drive from Pentax
> HQ. I make my living as an IT consultant now, used to work as a
> translator (English - French - German, call on me if you need help
> with anything) and a bunch of other stuff. Our son turned one year old
> last Wednesday, August 19, so time tends to be scarce and precious,
> and sleep even more so. I like to travel and am an outdoorsy person.
> My other interests are my book and cd shelves =]
> Photography wise, I grew up on film and manual focus. I guess it still
> shows. I love quick shift focusing and miss a split screen badly. Plus
> I still try to get my shots right the first time. I am slowly getting
> there again. I like macro a lot but not exclusively. I take a lot of
> family pics and have my camera with me on every walk I take. I also
> geocache and try to let it take me to places worth a click.
> I started taking pictures with a variety of viewfinder cams as a kid
> and my dad picked up a Canon AE-1 program when I was 14 or so but I
> wasn't allowed to use it on my own until I was 17. My kit was stolen
> in Paris a few years later when I was a poor student and not replaced
> until 2 years ago after a long period of traveling light and a few
> years of p&s that slowly pulled me out of my hiatus. I am glad I went
> back and constantly try to make more time for it. Because of my job,
> my computer stays off a lot at home so I have some catching up to do
> on photoshop, lightroom, HDR etc.
> Picked my K10D for feel and weather sealing but like any IT guy I am a
> gearhead - also to make up for photo time I don't have/make - so I
> frequently pick up stuff on ebay to try out and maybe sell again. In
> fact I came upon PDML through a Google search for a Kenko 25 mm Pz-AF
> extension tube which someone here sold a year ago or so. I was unable
> to post then and subsequently lurked happily until I was way overdue
> to uncloak. Found a Soligor clone of the tube on ebay eventually.
> Finally, for the gearheads among you, I use a K10D GP with grid
> screen, IR remote and R-Strap (love that one), DFA 50, DA 18-250 and
> DA* 16-50 lenses and 540FGZ flash. For macro, I also have a Novoflex
> Balpro tilt/shift bellows with Proshift+ pano adaptor and 80 mm copal
> 0 Schneider Apo Digitar lens plus the Flash Art and Duo Flash for
> lighting. Any questions, feel free to ask but I understand this is not
> primarily a gear discussion list so I won't expand further. Also,
> whole bunch of stuff going up on eBay as soon as people have recovered
> financially from their summer holidays. Wishlist: DA* 60-250 and a yet
> to choose wide angle zoom. Primes have to wait for now, same as the
> K-7. A stiffer tripod is highest on the list right now. Oh and Pentax:
> please make a weather sealed flash and add the DA* 11-16 to your
> roadmap!
> Well, I'll try to make my posts and mostly pictures interesting and
> hope I'll fit in.
> Cheers
> Ecke
> Lest I forget: Thump! =)
> --
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