I like that a lot Marnie: if it were mine, I'd crop the very white
right-hand edge, and possible a little off the top and bottom too.

John in Brisbane

-----Original Message-----
From: pdml-boun...@pdml.net [mailto:pdml-boun...@pdml.net] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, 12 October 2009 1:32 PM
To: pdml@pdml.net
Subject: PESO - Great Grandpa's Store

Hmmm, long story, I'll try to shorten  it.

The two buildings on the end right are closed and abandoned and have  been 
for some time. The store on the left end (with a bar) is still open. It is  
a lot newer that than the others (relatively speaking).

This is a very,  very small town (basically five buildings) that is verging 
on being a ghost  town. The Emporium & Bar and the Post Office (not shown) 
struggle to keep  going. It is in Northern Northern California. 

I stopped by at the end of  my Oregon/Washington trip, in the valley where 
my father grew up, and again took  some photos. I have shown a few before on


The middle building is my  great grandfather's store. He and my other great 
grandfather both came to CA for  the Gold Rush. Neither made any money from 
finding gold, but one ended up having  a very successful cattle ranch, and 
this one ended up opening the first chain  stores in Northern California 
(general stores). 

I, oops, accidentally,  took a whole digital "roll" overexposed. I thought 
I had it set on AV and the  dial had been pushed to manual. (That won't 
happen again, now I will check every  time.)

Using Lightroom and suggestions from a new Lightroom book I got, I  was 
actually able to recover a couple. 

The rest had interesting effects.  I sort of like this one.

Certainly good enough for the "cover" of a PDF I  am doing on my family 
history (for family  members).


Tell  me if you agree. 

(I've thought about taking the foliage out from under  the tree, but think 
that might not be an improvement. I've also thought about  adding 
vignetting, ditto, might not improve it.)

Marnie aka Doe  :-)

We can't solve  problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we 
created them. Albert  Einstein  

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