Chris Mitchell wrote:

Some excellent shots Dario. Best for me were 24, 31, 34 and 45 (where she's
really letting it rip!).

There are a few with a microphone right in front of her face which I would
pull from the gallery if they were mine (although no 20 works well!). I
guess you were limited in the amount you could move around, but getting more
to the side means you get more of a profile and separation from the mic.

Thanks Chris. When shooting, I also try to get rid of the mic as much as I can, but there are two things to consider: 1 - I believe some pictures with the mic are appropriate when covering a concert. 2 - No room at all for moving around. I was standing still, pressed in the crowd, in front of the main mic (while the piano and its mic were on my right) and I couldn't move more than say an inch forward/backward and left/right according to other people's minor movements. Furthermore, a lot of my pics are completely clogged by fans' arms, floating balloons and the like, as there were quite a lot of people between Dolcenera and me. Oh, and that reddish blob on the right in # 13 is an out-of-focus balloon.


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