They may want to challenge the Leica LX3 but Samsung doesn't have the name or the snob appeal that goes with it, whatever their technical prowess. Sadly most Samsung products really come off as second rate, good value for the price but still kind of cheesy.

On 2/25/2010 11:48 AM, Miserere wrote:
The sensor is 1/1.7", the same size as the Canon S90 and G11. It's
large by P&S standards.

While the TL500 is slightly larger than the S90, it has a hotshoe and
a swivel LCD, and a faster lens. Samsung is clearly challenging the
S90 and the Panny LX3 with this camera.

This isn't the old Samsung of GX20 days--they've grown up now.


On 25/02/2010, Brian Walters<>  wrote:
On Wed, 24 Feb 2010 23:17 -0800, "Sasha Sobol"<>  wrote:
What do you think?
large sensor,raw files, manual mode,  1.8 @ 24mm

I like the fact that it has a 24 mm (equivalent) wide end to the zoom
and the inclusion of a hot shoe, but is the sensor really all that
large?  It has a 4.6:1 focal length multiplier which is much the same as
other point and shoots.



Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia

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