Just to make sure I have this right -- any post to PDML that has PESO or GESO (case-sensitive, as you said) *automatically* goes to the Twitter feed, and that's it? You don't have to engage in any other alchemy or wizardry? If so, how'd you do that? That's pretty spiffy.

-- Walt


On 11/16/2010 12:44 AM, Tim Bray wrote:
The summer trip to Chicago, except for the couple of hours I spent in
your company, was disastrous on some other fronts, and then I got
super-busy at work, then I noticed I was like 2000-plus messages
behind on PDML.  Also, the PESO/Twitter mashup broke when Twitter
introduced a barbaric technology called "OAuth".  Long story short:
recently I've been shooting more and consequently missing y'all and
your pictures.  So I fixed the mashup and will post a couple of pix to
prove I'm here.

A quick mashup primer:  It's at http://twitter.com/#!/PDML, @PDML for
short, and if you're a twitter/Pentax kind of person you might enjoy
it.  If you post anything with a subject line that begins PESO or GESO
it shows up there.  It's case-sensitive, so if you want to avoid that
just say Peso or peso or whatever.  I wasn't smart enough to figure
out how to make it skip over the hundreds of PESOs since it broke in
August so it's doing 15 per hour and should be caught up in a couple
of days.

Photo news... recently I've been sort of infatuated with the
stupidly-good-for-its-size-and-price Canon S90.  So when I travel I
take my K20, the 40mm and 21mm Limiteds, and the S90; a very compact
and versatile kit.  The S90 has a bit of zoom and is damn near the
K20's equal for low-light.

I am totally planning on not buying a K-5. Totally, I keep telling myself.


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