On 3/31/2011 19:39, Collin Brendemuehl wrote:
So the challenge is this:  Make a picture say something.  Make it say
one word That is, other than Ahhhhh  or  Ooooooo.  A real word.
High.  Long.  Fast.  Friend.  Love.  Charity.  Cold.  Hot.  Soft.
Hard.  Tomorrow.  Yesterday.  Win.  Lose.  Amateur.  Professional.
Try.  Succeed.  Fail.  Return.  Leave.  Strong.  Weak.  Majesty.
Humility.  Service.  Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs -- they all

I will sure try. That's going to be most interesting thing to try to achieve.

As for your original question, Collin. Here is my answer.

One sentence: I shoot, 'cause I like shooting.

More than one sentence: I find photography to be excellent outlet or a leverage to my otherwise very routine and well-defined living. Especially so my profession which is programming. So I don't try to adhere to mantras or rules or what not. I just shoot what I see and find worth taking pictures of and I do so for fun. With time I realized that I don't like to compete (official competitions or otherwise). I just have fun during the process and while watching the results. Also I do so together with my elder daughter Galia which is immense fun as it is.


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