Miserere wrote:

>On 4 May 2011 13:12, Mark Roberts <m...@robertstech.com> wrote:
>> Not that I've been "away" but I had some minor surgery last week
>> (removal of a plugged mucous gland inside my lower lip. It was
>> surprisingly inconvenient for a couple of days :) Less so when I got
>> to the point that the pain of the, um, pain was less inconvenient than
>> the side effects of the painkillers.
>I went through that exact same procedure a few years ago. I remember
>leaving the clinic thinking "that wasn't so bad". Then 45 mins later
>the anaesthesia starts to wear off and I'm racing to the pharmacy to
>buy the pain killers I'd been prescribed, which I initially thought I
>wouldn't have to buy because, you know, I'm a Man, and I need not of
>those wimpy medicines.

That was *exactly* my experience. I was surprised when the doctor gave
me a prescription for painkillers. I was *very* surprised when I saw
it was a narcotic. But by the time a got to the drug store it was
becoming evident that I was going to need it. (But I was very glad to
be off the meds by the next day - those are no fun.)

>It's amazing how painfully irritating 3 stitches inside a lip can be.

I don't know how many stitches I had but it required a subcutaneous
layer of stitches and then an outer, closing layer. All of the
"dissolving" type, so I don't have to have them taken out, thankfully.

>It's also amazing how far I overestimated my manliness.

Nah, you just underestimated what a determined doctor with a sharp
scalpel can do! (Of course, *I* should have known better...)
Mark Roberts - Photography & Multimedia

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