Nice capture and sorry to read about the emergency room visit. Good luck
with the stress test and do hope they don't discover anything some good meds
can't help with but now a days it is amazing what they can do when it does
come to the heart. My partner has had two stints put in and this last ago
around they went in a vain in his wrist and he is doing good. 

Things are going to be fine and yeah I know the feeling about taking one's
body for granted. I really really need to give my one bad habit up and that
is smoking. Since picking up photography again I go out on nature walks and
the like so I do somewhat get exercise. Now mind you, I don't walk fast as I
am paying attention to the nature around me.

You can see my latest captures by visiting my Flickr page:

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Christine Aguila
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 7:57 PM
Subject: PAW--Week 26--Grand Staircase (and a night in emergency)

I was hoping to replace this shot with something from a planned photowalk
for today, but that got cancelled.  After last night's dinner & movie with
Darrel, I ended up in emergency with chest pains. EKG good with some slight
anomalies, but nothing life threatening, though I will have to go for a
stress test next week.  Arms all black and blue from blood tests all night
long.  I'm so tired, I'll be off to bed in a minute.  Had a good long chat
with my regular doctor who came in to see me this morning before he signed
my release papers--the gist--probably time to stop taking the body for
granted.  Cheers, Christine 

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