----- Original Message ----- From: "William Robb" <anotherdrunken...@gmail.com>
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: PAW--Week 26--Grand Staircase (and a night in emergency)

On 03/07/2011 6:56 PM, Christine Aguila wrote:

--the gist--probably
time to stop taking the body for granted. Cheers, Christine

Yeah, after 27 years, I finally decided (at the behest of a co worker) that perhaps a trip to the doctor might be a good idea.
Apparently a blood pressure reading of 210/160 is a very bad thing.
We've got it under control now, and I actually feel better for it.

Bill-those are shockingly high numbers! Do take care! And glad you're feeling better. Cheers, Christine

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