Thanks for the info.  Maybe I, and my daughter, assumed it would download 
because the options were shown.
Bruce Walker <> wrote
Subject: Re: PESO - last wave of summer
On 11-10-04 6:06 AM, Keith Mosier wrote:
> My daughter pointed out that the Flickr account that I used still allowed a 
> download of my photo, so I'll be taking it off that website soon.  I thought 
> I had selected the protected options.  I tried but couldn't locate the option 
> of sharing without allowing use.

Keith, you have uploaded that image with Flickr's most restrictive 
policies. It is set to License: copyright, all rights reserved. There 
are no menu options to allow download. If you right-click on the image 
you get a copyright noticed and no download menu.

You would have to be very determined, and be technically proficient to 
download it as it appears there on Flickr. But as J.C. pointed out, one 
can simply do a screen-grab to copy it. And that's true of all photo 
sites on the web. Even embedding your images in a Flash viewer won't 
stop a screen-grab.  And as Larry implies, "sharing without allowing 
use" is a bit of an oxymoron. The image file has to be be downloaded 
into the browser for the browser to display it. That's how browsers 
work. Anyone who knows about the "developer" menus in Safari or Chrome 
can get at the cached copy or the direct link of any image.

So nobody out there will protect your image any better than Flickr 
already has for you.  The only way to guarantee preventing unauthorized 
use of your images is to avoid putting them on the net, anywhere.

Rather than uploading your images, it would be fairly safe to just 
describe them to us in vague terms. "Here's a picture of a pretty girl 
holding a colourful beachball. The background is mostly out of focus, 
but it's blue with horizontal, wavy white lines so she's probably by the 
water." I don't think anyone could make much use of that, even if they 
cut'n'paste it somewhere.




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