I'm planning a new computer to dedicate for photo & audio editing. I've got the money saved and am just finalizing the necessary components before I buy. I already have some of the components on hand; the case & power supply (650W), and a couple of hard drives I can use at least temporarily.

My current (planned) configuration is a Gigabyte mainboard with Intel i7-960 and 32GB ram (maxed out). I'll be using the on-board video to begin with. I'll also need to get a new DVD burner - I'm looking for something that will at least play Blue-ray & has Lightscribe.

I'm planning on running Windoze 7 64 bit and I intend to install LightRoom, PhotoshopCS5 and Corel Painter 11 as my primary photo-editing tools.

I will also be using my Nikon CoolScan IV ED with it & eventually want to get a flatbed scanner for larger formats. I'm saving for the Epson V750 M-Pro. If it all works out, I should have the money by mid-year.

I'm currently considering a configuration with 3 hard-drives. Primary for the OS & software, secondary for Photoshop's scratch disk & LightRoom's cache file and will use a 1.5TB SATA drive I already have for data (I'll probably put Windoze's swap file here as well).

Two things I haven't quite satisfied myself about:

1. Minimum size for the main drive? I'm considering something along the lines of 250GB, because I have a spare 250GB SATA (2.5 inch) drive I took out of my laptop when I upgraded it to a 500GB data drive. I eventually want to change it out for a SSD. But that's down the road quite a piece, because even small SSDs are still VERY expensive.

2. But I am considering a SSD for the scratch disk. Is 64GB large enough? That seems to be the current price point I'm comfortable with. Any brand recommendations?

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