From: Matthew Hunt

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 12:35 PM, Charles Robinson <> wrote:
I wonder what the downside(s) would be. ?For starters, it doesn't look like the 
mode dial on top has a lock. ?And I'm not sure there is an LCD display on the 
top... but what other things appear to be missing?
I just started making a list. I welcome additions. It's based on this
leaked set of specifications:

K-30 relative to K-5:

+ video improvements (H.264, frame rates, etc.)
+ focus peaking
+ mysterious AF improvements ("i" in SAFOX version number)
+ AA battery support

- ISO 51200 (K-30 = 25600)
- top LCD
- no 1/8000 shutter (K-30 = 1/6000)
- slower FPS (but only slightly, 6 FPS, not 4 FPS as previously leaked)
- 14 bit ADC? (guess based on re-using the K-01 sensor & processor)

TBD: AF fine tuning, full IS capabilities (sensor shift for
composition adjustment, rotation axis, O-GPS1 astrotracer support),
intervalometer, level, quietness... what else?

Looks more like the K-r replacement to me.

Also, in case anyone hasn't already found it before I did, DPReview:

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