Our "insider" from Pentax brought a Pentax K-01 to Grandfather
Mountain last weekend and a few of us got to play with it for a while.
My impressions fall into two categories:
1 - I'm now certain that I have no interest at all in a camera without
a viewfinder
2 - For those who don't mind (or prefer) the lack of viewfinder the
K-01 is one seriously impressive piece of kit

It's bigger than other mirrorless cameras, but has a nice, big (for
mirrorless) APS-C sensor. And it's smaller than the K5, which is one
of the smallest DSLR's on the market. But what really impresses is the
solidity, heft and "feel" of its build. It *feels* more
professional-grade than any other Pentax camera I've ever held, except
possibly the 67. Now the "feel" of quality and actual
durability/reliability are not the same thing, but the impression of
quality construction is undeniable.

Controls are very nicely laid out and simple to use. It's a bit
different for someone accustomed to SLR's but probably easier to
understand for someone just moving up from a point-and-shoot or
smartphone, the major demographic this camera is aimed at.

In short, the lack of viewfinder is a deal-killer for me (as I
expected) but for those to whom this isn't the case it's a lot of
camera for the money.
Mark Roberts - Photography & Multimedia

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