What I remember from school without going and digging out my actual notes ... with some hints from mistakes I know I made [sung to the tune of "What Did You Learn In School Today (dear little child of mine)"]

A printed shot list is a good thing, especially if you have little underline spaces in front of all the shots so you can go down the list with the Bride & Groom before the rehearsal and ask, "Do you want this one? Check. Do you want this one? ..." so you won't have to trust to memory what photos you are supposed to take.

If the wedding is being held in a church, talk to the clergy at the rehearsal and find out what the church's rules are for photography during the ceremony; especially flash & at what point does the ceremony actually begin. Some clergy don't mind if you use flash during the processional, but don't want any flash after the wedding party reaches the altar. Even if it's not being held in a church it's a good idea to know what the clergy thinks about using flash.

_Bride looking in the mirror while holding up the dress in front her (gotta have at least one good mirror shot)
_Bride getting her hair/nails/makeup done

[while the Bride is actually dressing, go and get photos of ...]
_Groom & Groomsmen goofing off while waiting for the Bride to get ready
_Best Man helping the Groom fix his tie/corsage/Tuxedo
_Groom w/his parents
_Groom & Best Man getting ready to go into the church

[then back to the Bride]
_Bride w/ her mother helping her get ready (this can be another great mirror shot)
_Bride & Bridesmaids before the ceremony

_Bride & her father just before they enter the church/sanctuary
_Bride walking down the aisle - from both front & back if possible
_Groom reaction when he sees the bride walking down the aisle

Some brides walk alone & some brides walk with their fathers. Make sure if the bride is walking down the aisle with her father that you're shooting from the bride's side of the aisle, not from the father's. Get a selection of views of the ceremony - zoom in and out to show whole party & get closeups of the bride & groom while they're reciting their vows. Don't chop off the top of the preacher's head.

_Bride & Groom exiting the altar
_Bride & Groom exiting the church

_Bride & Groom & Clergy - take this one first so the preacher doesn't have to hang around.
_Bride w/bouquet
_Bride & Groom
_Permutations & combinations of Bride & Groom w/Parents & important elderly relatives - hers, his, theirs
_Bride w/Attendants
_Bride w/Groomsmen
_Bride & Groom w/her Attendants
_Bride & Groom w/EVERYBODY
_Groom & Best Man
_Groom w/Groomsmen
_Depending on the atmosphere, possibly the Groom w/her Attendants

RECEPTION: If the Bride & Groom take a break before the reception, get some informal shots of them relaxing if you can ... if THEY can.

_Bride & Groom entering.
_Bride & Groom cutting the cake
_Bride & Groom feeding each other cake
_Bride & Groom toasting each other

_Bride & Groom first dance
_Bride dancing w/her father
_Groom dancing w/his mother
_Groom dancing w/her mother

If you can talk the groom into dancing with her father, go for it. Photograph any other goofy stuff that appears worth remembering from the reception. If they have an Elvis impersonator at the wedding get a photo of the Bride dancing with the Elvis impersonator. Get a shot of the Groom dancing with the Elvis impersonator.

Bride & Groom getting in the car to leave the reception, especially the cans & shoes tied to the bumper & soap paintings on the windows.

The flow is almost always Bride, Bride + associates, Bride & Groom, Bride & Groom + associates, Groom, Groom + associates.

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