> From: pdml-boun...@pdml.net [mailto:pdml-boun...@pdml.net] On Behalf Of
> steve harley
> on 2012-09-02 2:47 Bob W wrote
> > Any of you chaps in the US had a chance to try this yet?
> >
> > <http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/09/01/ale-chief-white-house-
> beer-
> > recipe
> >>
> >
> > It looks like a nice beer, although I have my doubts about corn syrup
> > and gypsum in the recipe.
> the corn sugar is for priming (giving the yeast something to eat to
> carbonate the beer after bottling), and is pretty normal; gypsum is
> usually something that depends on the water you are using, when you
> want to match the original brewer's water; if you start with hard water
> i'd skip the gypsum
> slightly worrying, but not a serious problem, are the malt extract and
> the hop pellets; these are usually considered cheap shortcuts
> (i am at best a "homebrewer's helper", but i have typeset and proofread
> many a homebrew recipe)

I've only tried home brewing once, when I was at school. We bought a kit,
mixed the stuff, and put it into the loft of the boarding house. We didn't
have proper stoppers, so we just wrapped the bottle tops in clingfilm. Of
course we didn't plan this properly because before it was even theoretically
ready the term would be at an end and we would all disperse to the different
parts of the world that we came from. For fear of discovery, we went back up
to the loft and brought it all down. The clingfilm had evolved into some
unspeakable creature of the dark. Nevertheless, we still tried to drink the
evidence. It was disgusting.

On a recent tour of the Meantime Brewery they were pretty scathing about
adding sugar. As for their water, they take it from the Thames, which
horrified me at first, but they use reverse osmosis to clean it up, and can
dial something into their machines to give it a particular character - maybe
that involves gypsum. Maybe gypsum is why people talk about getting


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