I see what you are saying, Bruce, but I think you are overstating
things a bit. There is a fundamental difference between your entry
level kit being announced (with kit lens) for $679 and eventually
coming down to around $500 (as they did with the K-x:
http://www.dpreview.com/news/2009/9/17/pentaxkx ) and an entry level
camera that is introduced at a price point right at your current
flagship (the K-5 actual selling price) where people have to ask
"which should I get the K-5 or the K-30?" The K-30 was announced at
$879 with kit lens. I'm sure the K-30 will come down over time, but I
doubt that it will ever reach the earlier entry level camera selling
prices (K200D, K2000D, K-m, K-x, K-r). To do so it would have to be
discounted an *extra* $200 over what the K-x was. THAT's what I'm
decrying. They've give up the Good, Better, Best model in APS-C-land
and now only offer the Better & Best. Removing that lower threshold
entry point is going to eliminate a lot of potential Pentaxians.

And I base that on the indicators given by my Pentax Dealer. Now that
may simply mean that the word hasn't come down the pike yet (and I'm
wondering what the heck became of the rumored multi-colored "K-z",
which sounded like the successor to the K-x/K-r. Unless that was all
based on someone's imagination and/or was a hoax. It sounded
reasonable to me, that they would not give up that price point in the
market. There are still crappy Canon and Nikon entry level models
Pentax could beat performance/features-wise.

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