Cotty You confused a bit here. You said you would be interested in option c mirrorless APC with optical finder then in later msg. you indicate you have finder-less Fuji you love.??

I have tried the K-01 and do not miss the finder at all. Every review I have read echos my experience. At the current low price for K-01 they are selling as fast as they are stocked. That indicates to me it was slightly over-designed and somewhat overpriced. But lack of a finder did not keep it from being a success. I am not anti-finder having come from dlsr tradition from the start and only owned one point and shoot but I don't get the obsession with finders. wrote:
Message: 8
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 21:54:28 +0000
From: "Steve Cottrell"<>
To: "pentax list"<>
Subject: Re: New PENTAX MX-1
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 7/1/13, Larry Colen, discombobulated, unleashed:

>I think that Pentax (for whatever definition of Pentax over the past
>decade you want to use) understands that they will not survive as a "me
>too" product.  If Pentax were simply to produce another Canon Rebel,
>nobody would have any reason to buy it, rather than a Canon Rebel.  What
>they seem to be doing is a spastic attempt at emulating Steve Jobs, or
>at least Apple, in releasing different and innovative products in the
>hopes that one of them will catch on.  If they release ten products, it
>doesn't matter if nine of them are Lisas, if one of them is an iPod.
I think you've hit the nail on the head Lar.

To my mind there just isn't a coherent strategy with Pentax's products,
aside perhaps from the flagship DSLRs.

And to take a leaf out of Steve's book, get rid of all the mishmash and
consolidate the cameras into types, then have one camera to fit each
type. Keep it simple!

The MX-1 would be brilliant if it was in this lineup:

A - Full frame DSLR + lens system
B - APSC DSLR + lens system
C - Mirrorless APSC interchangeable lens system (Q with optical
viewfinder) (MX-1 style, bigger)
D - MX-1
E - smaller pocketable point n shoot

and er that's it

I'd be looking at C

-- Cheers, Cotty ___/\__ Broadcast, Corporate, || (O) | Web Video
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