On a trip like that, I'd carry one camera that I was thoroughly
comfortable and familiar with, and a small, light camera "just in
case" and for when the regular camera is too much to carry along.

If you've got a freezer full of film that you haven't processed yet
for lack of funds or time or energy, what's the point of shooting film
that will just add to what you put in the freezer? Doesn't make any


On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 9:16 PM, D. Glenn Arthur Jr. <dgl...@panix.com> wrote:
> Alas, I have fallen way, way behind this mailing list and another.  Sorry
> for being absent and for having missed so much of what y'all have been
> discussing.
> In April, my mother is going back to Cyprus for what she thinks will be
> her last time, and taking me along for what will probably be my only
> time (I was there as a toddler; don't remember it; doesn't count) -- I
> can't see ever being able to afford to go on my own.
> I'm taking the *istD, extra batteries, extra CF cards, a computer to
> copy the CF cards onto ...
> Here's the question:  given that I've shot very little film recently
> (only for a wedding I was paid to shoot a year or two ago) and I _still_
> have lots of exposed film in my freezer waiting for funds for developing,
> do y'all think I should take a film body or two with me anyhow?
> My gut says yes, I might see something I want on ilm instead of digital
> for some unforseen  reason.  My brain says don't over-pack, and digital
> means not having to carry multiple bodies loaded with different kinds
> of film.  And Murphy whispers "backup camera" since I only have the one
> (If I have any unexposed infrared film left in the fridge, that'll tip
> the balance somewhat in favour of bringing the K2 or an H1a.  Even as
> early as April, I should have plenty to shoot in IR in the Mediterranean,
> right?)
>                                         -- Glenn
> --
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