That hair makes him look a little like a Buick hood ornament. <rim shot>
Sounds like a familiar denizen from my pool hall history.

From: Walt <>
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:59 PM
Subject: PESO: Jerry V.

Here's a shot I took a few nights ago of another one of our resident characters 
at the club where I work. This guy is one of the more cantankerous drunks we 
have, but once you get a handle on how to deal with him, he's a pretty good 
guy. Like a lot of the people I deal with, he has phrases that he tends to lean 
on when he's well into his cups. "Hey! Lemme tell ya somethin'!" "And another 
thing!" "You talkin' about me?" "Don't start no shit!"

He also happens to be a really good pool shot and only seems to get better the 
drunker he gets. Here he is shooting a game over the weekend:
K-5, FA 50/1.4, f/2.8, 1/60 sec., ISO 1600

I thought it was an interesting shot because he looks a bit like a Dick Tracy 
character to my eye.

Comments and critiques are, as always, eagerly solicited.

-- Walt

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