aint broke anything in years (knock wood) myself -
major ouches

big hugs across the web to you..

But you have a while to go before catching me - broken hand, foot, shoulder, back , almost every toe and one twice. good that you don't need to be set, that makes it easier to deal with. ankle really much worse than any of mine except the back and shoulder so I wince at yours.

seriously, take care of yourself you skinny guys are always more damamged my these things it seems.


On 2/20/2013 07:34, wrote:
That's what they're giving me at St. Joe's Hospital here in Toronto. Third 
visit in two years, second since September.

We had a flash freeze yesterday after a thaw that covered the gutters and bike 
lanes with standing water. The sudden drop in temps, of course, turned it to 
ice. Worse was the gusting forty-to-sixty kilometre an hour winds. Got smacked 
with a sudden sidewind while on black ice. Down I go.

Broken ankle. But, "a good break" which should allow a walking cast/boot and 
heal without complications.

On my way to fracture clinic as we speak to be looked at by orthopaedic surgeon 
and get fitted for aforementioned cast.

If I am a walking/metropassing messenger for a while I will have more photo 
ops!  ;-)

As always, could have been worse.

More on this later. Just wanted to share with friends (that's you guys!).  ;-)


"If the world were clear, art would not exist." -- Albert Camus

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