Den 14. okt. 2013 kl. 22:39 skrev Bob W <>:
>> On 14 Oct 2013, at 20:02, Bruce Walker <> wrote:
>> Spending [Canadian] Thanksgiving browsing the intertubes and found this ...
>> "Sometimes I wish I possessed the requisite attention span to absorb
>> endless amounts of totally pointless bullshit."
> It's perfectly OK not to 'get' Art - it's a difficult subject, and it takes 
> effort. I don't understand quantum physics, but if I wrote a blog mocking the 
> people who practise it, and those who make an effort to understand it, I'd be 
> a yahoo, making a public arse of myself. 
> When there's something I don't get, which many other intelligent people 
> obviously do, then instead of retreating into the small-minded ignorance of 
> the Daily Mail reader or Fox News viewer I try to figure it out. 
> If I've made a fair effort, as this chap claims to have done, and I still 
> don't get it, then I reconcile myself to my own ignorance rather than 
> flinging insults at it, and at them, like a gibbon flinging shit through the 
> bars of its cage.
> The very process of trying to understand difficult things can be its own 
> reward, and I find it very satisfying, even when I fail, because I always end 
> up better off than when I started.
> B
> -- 

I agree complete (and I do know something about quantum mechanically :-).

People don't study art for 5 years at universities to come back understanding 
nothing new. What i don't understand is why many demand that art should be 
easily understandable (and booring), and why they so much want to be call 
themselves artistist. It seldom make their pictures any better. More often it 
make them worse.

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