On 11/19/2013 7:31 PM, Paul Stenquist wrote:
But there's no guarantee that there will be a full frame body. In
fact, based on the lens roadmap, it seems unlikely. That's the fly in
the ointment.


Indeed. I especially like the notion where people notice that certain lenses produce imagery outside the borders of APS-C image circle and hence:

1. They pronounce that the lenses do cover FF. Which is probably true as far as strict definition goes, but the sharpness fall off and other "pleasantries" are there nonetheless.

2. Then they conclude that Pentax has a secret plan of introducing FF and that the lenses are half way there...

Some conspiracy theories are just that - theories.

IMHO, it totally stands to reason that there will indeed be a FF body. However we have no information whatsoever except rumors and suppositions to know what will it be like when it will be introduced(*). I mean in terms of available lenses, etc.


(*) We do know that certain Englishman may have to eat his hat though...

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