Larry, Steve - thanks for your comments. In a way they are not very helpful 
because I am looking for compelling reasons why I should go with the Mac Pro 
and not the Mini or iMac. And you both make a good case for not going 
overboard. Oh well. You've given me useful strategies for making do with less. 
And for taking an incremental approach.

On Nov 30, 2013, at 7:56 PM, steve harley wrote:

> on 2013-11-30 14:14 Stan Halpin wrote
>> So, is there sufficient value added with the desktop and its option to go 
>> for a wide gamut display?
> you can add a second (and third) display to the iMac as well; the Thunderbolt 
> bus also supports Mini DisplayPort, and with cheap adapters, HDMI and DVI; i 
> would get the iMac and then if you discover a real need for a wide-gamut 
> monitor, add it later since the iMac will support it
> use the difference in price to max the RAM and consider adding Thunderbolt 
> SSD storage (rather than pay Apple to upgrade the internal SSD); consider 
> getting a VESA-mount iMac so you can put it on an arm instead of planting the 
> stand at a fixed height on your desk; also check the Apple refurbs (though 
> i've never seen the VESA models there)
>> Am I gaining other intangible benefits from the (to me) inscrutable 
>> differences in processor and GPUs between the iMac and Mac Pro? Should I 
>> save some money on the computer system and buy a 20-40 lens?
> no doubt the Mac Pro is a lot faster, but we won't know how much until 
> they've shipped a few;

> if you are using mainly Lightroom, then those super-GPUs won't make much 
> difference to your photo work

This is something I have wondered about. I have seen a few references that show 
a rapidly diminishing gain in LR performance as one moves from 2 to 4 to 6 to 
8-core processors, and I figured that LR or any other current software would be 
unable to fully take advantage of any new CPU or GPU. I have been looking at 
the Perfect Photo Suite to use as an adjunct to LR, and their set-up 
instructions go into modifications to settings based on available cache memory 
on the GPU.  And so I was thinking just maybe this time bigger would be better, 
not only for that program but also for LR...

> we don't know how good the HD LTD 20-40mm is yet either, though i certainly 
> hope it is great


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