> On Dec 1, 2013, at 8:29 PM, steve harley <p...@paper-ape.com> wrote:
> 2) does Lightroom benefit from multiple CPU cores on Mac?
> -->  i can't find a solid reference on this, but it sounds like your own 
> research found that any benefit is limited

Actually, LR does benefit from multiple CPU cores as it is a fully threaded 
application, but it takes some manual effort and changes in workflow to get the 
most from it.  For instance, if you select 1000 raw files and tell LR to export 
them, it will operate mostly serially, making poor use of the multiple core 
system and it's threading. But if you instead select four batches of 250 images 
and tell LR to export each batch concurrently (say export on each batch without 
waiting for the previous one to complete), you'll see it use all the cores and 
get the job done in typically half the time, plus or minus. Same goes for other 
concurrent operations. 

I expect Adobe will automate this more as time goes on. 

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