the Pentax-DA 55-300mm F4-5.8 ED is rated quite highly if you want to
buy new and should be in your budget - note the new WR version would
be more pricey than this.

The 50-200 is even cheaper but apparently optically not that great.

I haven't used either but I can second Darren's suggestion for an
F70-210 - very sharp and good contrast but is quite heavy for what it
is.  Mine suffered a fall and is now stiff to zoom but otherwise still
works well, but I suspect will not get a lot of use now that I have
the DA* 60-250


On 10 December 2013 11:29, Charles Robinson <> wrote:
> Is there anything out there that is even remotely close to the 50-135 f/2.8 
> that costs less than $350, or am I just dreaming?
> I don't shoot concerts often enough (and it's just for fun) to justify even 
> the used 50-135 at KEH for $500, even though I know that's a bargain for that 
> lens.
> But I can see that my used $35 smc PENTAX-F 80-200mm F4.7-5.6 is really 
> what's holding my image quality back these days.
> Any ideas/suggestions for something "good but not GREAT"?  I have the feeling 
> what I have right now is, at best, "OK, but not awful".  :-(
>  -Charles
> --
> Charles Robinson -
> Minneapolis, MN
> --
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