On 15/04/2014 12:30 PM, P.J. Alling wrote:
Conversion to DNG is pretty trivial for raw files using Bayer filter
sensors.  Once the order of the bit patterns is known they all work the
same way.  However Foveon and what ever Fuji X-trans sensors are enough
different to require lots of special processing.  I wouldn't be
surprised if the DNG conversion of those files completely rewrites the
data, as opposed to Bayer data that just requires a common instruction set.

Whatever is happening to decode them, Adobe doesn't have the best method from what I've been reading. There is something called Irridiant (sp) for Mac, and Photo Ninja, I believe for both that do quite a bit better than the Adobe decode. I have to decide if I want to upgrade Lightroom for the convenience or buy new software.


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