I'm not sure it would be worth it. Start importing that Arabian oil (that foul black sticky stuff is called "oil" btw) and pretty soon you're over-run with Arabian princelings.

Next thing you know the place is all cluttered up with discotheques and condominium developments and you can't get rid of 'em because DDT has been banned.

On 4/24/2014 2:58 AM, Bob W-PDML wrote:
Somebody should invent an engine which combusts internally. It'd be
even better if it ran on that foul black sticky stuff that's all over
the deserts in Arabia.

On 24 Apr 2014, at 00:52, "Ken Waller" <kwal...@peoplepc.com>

Read something the other day that there's a group trying to
eliminate the use of horses used in the horse drawn carraiges in
NYC. Someones already pitching some kind of electric vehicle to
replace the horses.

Won't be the same by a long shot !

Kenneth Waller http://www.pentaxphotogallery.com/kennethwaller

----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel J. Matyola"
<danmaty...@gmail.com> Subject: PESO: Let me see that

Horse seems to be interested in what is on the cell phone held by
the hansom cab driver.  I can almost hear her say:  "It's a text
from Mayor de Blasio;  we're both out of a job."

http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=17742325 Comments

Dan Matyola http://www.pentaxphotogallery.com/danieljmatyola

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