Hi Mark:

We did a 2,265 mile road trip this summer.  I did take a back-up body (K5) just 
in case the K-3 malfunctioned.  As to lenses I had the two pancakes 21 & 40 & 
DA 50-135mm, a flash. Of course, I had a remote, extra batteries and chargers, 
memory cards, though I had two 32 gig cards in the K3, so I didn't need too 
many extra 8 gig cards. 

Because we had the car, I had two camera bags:  one for the field and a tech 
bag. I used the original classic Domke bag as my tech bag, which was filled 
with the stuff I didn't need in the field bag on any given day.  I usually had 
the pancakes on the camera and in the field bag since we did a lot of urban 
stuff, but the DA* 50-135 was used for more landscapeish destinations.  But I 
left it in the tech bag if I didn't need it. I also left the K5 in the tech 
bag.  I brought my travel tripod, but didn't use it that much-- mostly just 
shots of Darrel and me, though it remained in the car most of the time. I did 
take my little Optio WG just in case we splashed around in water, but that 
didn't happen either.  The Optio could have served as a back up, but the high 
ISO quality isn't very good, which doesn't surprise me since it's really an 
outdoor adventure camera. 

I did think about bringing my MX to shoot some film, but decided against it. 
These days packing a lot of gear is not very appealing. 

So, that's what I do/did when traveling. 

Cheers, Christine 

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> On Sep 1, 2014, at 7:56 PM, Mark C <pdml-m...@charter.net> wrote:
> Next week my wife and are taking a vacation to the Washington DC area. I plan 
> on checking out the exhibit where I have a couple of photos in Annapolis - 
> and that will be one afternoon or morning of our trip. Otherwise I am 
> anticipating a blend of urban / rural experience in Washington DC, Baltimore 
> and Maryland's eastern shore. We have one wildlife refuge on the eastern 
> shore that I really want to visit (if I can figure out where it is).
> OK - so I am trying to travel light. The biggest impediment to that is 
> bringing backup bodies and lenses. When you travel - do you carry backup gear 
> or just trust to fate that everything will work?
> I am thinking of bringing (at a minimum) the K3, IR converted K10D, DA 17-70, 
> Takumar F 70-200, DFA 100 macro and Sigma 135-400 zoom. All that, except for 
> the Sigma, fits in a nice little kit. I plan to also bring my Q kit (original 
> Q, fisheye lens, normal zoom, telephoto zoom, normal prime, extension tubes) 
> which all fits in a tiny little bag.
> I will probably want to also bring a film body and normal zoom, and am 
> thinking of the Mz-S, sans battery grip, with FA 28-105 zoom. Or I might 
> satify the analog urge by bringing a Super Ricoflex TLR and a few rolls of 
> 120 film.
> And then I'd like a fast lens so maybed the A 50mm f1.4 or FA 50 f1.7. I'll 
> probably bring the 40mm XR pancake in lieu of a body cap since it is about 
> the same size.
> And then backups and add-ons  - ideally I'd like to bring they K5 (in case 
> the K3 breaks), the DA 16-50 (in case the DA 17-70 breaks), Sigma 70-200 f2.8 
> as both a backup for the Takumar F and for a faster telephoto zoom, and maybe 
> an external flash because it might come in handy...
> I am thinking of NOT taking the "backups and add-ons" though I will kick 
> myself if something breaks or malfunctions on the road. The fast 50 seems 
> questionable and I might decide to skip the film gear...
> This is not a trip of a lifetime but I'll be frustrated if something fails 
> along the way. I guess the Q kit is a backup for the overall kit but as much 
> as I like the Q kit it does have limits (slow AF, no eye level finder, poor 
> high ISO performance, limits on shallow DOF...)
> What do you do when you travel?
> FWIW I *am* only taking one automobile but I also know I can always rent one 
> if the car have malfunctions (I actually had to do that once in the past.)
> Mark
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