Bruce, sorry... I sent the message when I noticed that sale.

There are two classes of the calibrators:
1) colorimeters and 2) spectrometers.
ColorMunki Display,  i1 Pro, ... are colorimeters,
I vaguely remember seeing that Spyder 4 (Pro?) is also a colorimeter,
while Spyder 3 was a spectrometer.

IRC, coloremeters used to be a bit more expensive.
I don't remember all the details of the difference between the two classes, but I remember that I concluded for myself that for my needs a spectrometer was a bit more suitable.


 Bruce Walker Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:05:45 -0800 wrote:

That promo appears to have ended. I get $144 for that after rebate.

The Datacolor Spyder4PRO is $129 and it's a good one too. Special until Dec 23.

I've been using the Spyder3 Pro for a few years. I hope it will work
with the iMac 5K Retina display or I will be hunting for new
calibrator myself shortly.

On Sat, 20 Dec 2014, Igor PDML-StR wrote:

I just wanted to point out that B&H currently has X-Rite ColorMunki Display on sale for $119 with an additional $25 Mail-in rebate, resulting in $94 end price.

I've been using this product for 2 or 3 years. It works great for calibration. But it has a problem under Windows 7 on laptops with Intel video card . Essentially Windows 7 overwrites ColorMunki's calibration when it wakes up from suspend/sleep. There is a work-around to disable some Windows service that (among other things) memorizes settings for different external outputs (monitors, projectors, etc.)
See e.g.


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