In a continuing quest to push my personal boundaries and break out of
my comfort zone, I shot a boudoir session -- my first ever -- with a
plus-sized, curvy, middle-aged woman on Thursday.

We used her apartment which, though small, is full of light from
south-facing windows. I brought all my lighting gear, but left it all
in the cases and simply used two large pieces of white foamcore and
800 ISO instead.

My shooting partner in this outing was Judi Willrich who also did an
outstanding job with Cindy's hair and makeup.

I'm really beginning to get used to the Pentax medium format. I didn't
use the tripod even once and I was shooting hand-held and close to
wide-open aperture most of the time.

645Z, DFA645 90mm/2.8 macro, f/3.2, 1/125th sec, 800 ISO, handheld.
Window light + white foamcore reflectors.

Comments welcome!


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