Nice capture and model, but I find her right hand a little distracting.

Not sure that I see a middle - aged woman ! Looks way younger IMO.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Bruce Walker <>
>Subject: PESO ~ Cindy in the window
>In a continuing quest to push my personal boundaries and break out of
>my comfort zone, I shot a boudoir session -- my first ever -- with a
>plus-sized, curvy, middle-aged woman on Thursday.
>We used her apartment which, though small, is full of light from
>south-facing windows. I brought all my lighting gear, but left it all
>in the cases and simply used two large pieces of white foamcore and
>800 ISO instead.
>My shooting partner in this outing was Judi Willrich who also did an
>outstanding job with Cindy's hair and makeup.
>I'm really beginning to get used to the Pentax medium format. I didn't
>use the tripod even once and I was shooting hand-held and close to
>wide-open aperture most of the time.
>645Z, DFA645 90mm/2.8 macro, f/3.2, 1/125th sec, 800 ISO, handheld.
>Window light + white foamcore reflectors.
>Comments welcome!

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