Really sorry to hear all that, Joe.

I hope I can be as tough under similar circumstances.

Words seem so superficial...


2015-11-28 5:30 GMT+02:00 Joseph McAllister <>:
> On Nov 27, 2015, at 1:35 PM, Ken Waller wrote:
>> I'm squinting a little but I can't see you.
>> All I see are black letters on a field of white.
>> Kenneth Waller
> In the not too distant future, that is all you'll see from this tired old 
> photo=weenie.
> First found in late 2014, cancer of the left kidney. By last week, cancer is 
> is now chewing up my right kidney, my lower spine, pelvis, bladder, my brain 
> and my right femur.. Rapid, greedy and uncomfortable to sit around in it's 
> pain, it's going to be a short year, or at best a short 2016.
> Am planning on selling or donating  most of my loot.  Not organized as yet, 
> but I will find someone to list everything photo,  Plans to deal with my 
> imagery as well as my family's geneology may have to evaporate along with my 
> brain.
> Over 1500 PDML msgs to read. May not get too much done as the brain is 
> damaged. MRI in two weeks will tell that story.
> It's been fun allowing my thoughts mingle with such depth of experience and 
> humor.
> I may or may not respond read or answer or reply, but will try.
> J.J.McA
> --
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