Thank you, Peter. Yes, my father had a habit of following the doctor's advise only to the point when he would start feeling a bit better. Then, he'd claim that he felt well, and hence required no medical care of any kind. I still remember the fights between my mother and him when she had to practically force him to continue a course of any kind of medication that required minimal discipline from his part.

My father passed away at the age of 73, so he certainly could have enjoyed few more years of watching his granddaughters grow...


On 1/6/2016 16:57, P.J. Alling wrote:
Boris my father died almost 20 years ago from congestive heart failure. It was expected, but it hurt. He was a relatively young man, in this age of medical miracles. It still hurts, but only occasionally, and it's bearable.

On 1/5/2016 2:20 PM, Boris Liberman wrote:

It seems that the 2015 has been one of if not the most difficult year in my life so far. Back in March, just a few days after we signed a contract for our own apartment, my father passed away from cardiac arrest. It was unexpected, it was very quick, it wash shocking and very painful for my mother, my brother and myself.

Some of you I contacted privately on this when the wound was still very fresh. And to some of you I owe great debt now. I don't think that it is possible to fully recover from the death of someone dear and close, especially from the closest family. At least, as time goes by, I could regain most of my self, although my outlook at many things now has changed a lot.

As it learned later, about the same time a good friend of mine, former class-mate from my school in Moscow also died. He was among the people of whom I wouldn't even dare think that something like this could happen. Apparently, he wasn't very healthy and few weeks after his mother passed away, he followed...


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