Mark, Thank you for the suggestion.
Yes, I've been thinking about that possibility before.
And as you know, setting a server is not a complete novelty to me. ;-)
I might go the route yuou suggested some day, but at this point, for the project on hand, I am looking for something "off the self", light and easy.


PS. So far, I have been unimpressed with the CMS/blogging platforms that I've seen, - in the way how they organize photographs/viewing interface.

 Mark C Wed, 30 Mar 2016 06:09:35 -0700 wrote:

Igor - Been reluctant to suggest this since it would not meet the first criteria of being free - but you could set a domain and install a simple blogging / CMS system. Use it to format and display your galleries or individual photos. Formatting and ease of uploading should be on par with flickr and other photo management sites. You can use the blog's permissions system to control access. It might work more smoothly because you should be able to control permissions by user group (at least that is how the platform I use works) so for instance people in the "family" group can see more than the "public" group. It would allow people to just check in periodically to see if there is anything new instead of requiring you to send out notifications (or send notifications of new posts automatically to members.)

But, it would also entail the cost of setting up the domain name and hosting and an initial investment in time setting up the the software. So, probably not a suggestion that would be a first choice.


On Tue, 29 Mar 2016, Igor PDML-StR wrote:

Many thanks to everybody who responded with the suggestions.

What I did not specify explicitly one necessary function: easy management of the presentation of the photos (such as Flickr and alike provide), - i.e. providing the viewing interface (including combining in the albums/sets), not just the space. So, I'd like to be able to send a link (URL) that would contain a particular set ("album") of photos with easy and intuitive navigation and viewing, not a "naked" folder structure.

I would like to avoid going through the process of generating photo galleries myself (as I do it for my photos for uploading them to the server, and how Brian does it for PUG).

I hadn't thought Dropbox or Google drive would have that capability, but I just found that Dropbox seems to have the notion of "Albums".
That could be a great solution!
If someone here has an "album" configured under Dropbox that you can share, can you, please send me the link (on or off the list), so that I can see how the navigation looks.

Boris: Thanks for suggesting G-drive. Call me paranoid, but I am a bit hesitant to use Google where I have alternatives. Besides, I've seen some quirkiness of sharing of the files from G-drive with people who do not have Gmail accounts. (Google wants everybody sucked into its ecosystem.)

But here is something that might be useful for you:
I've looked at Google Photos (which is a new service that is going to replace Google+ Photos), which might be actually a better option for you, as it has either unlimited or 1TB space for photos (free), -- if you are willing to use Google for that, and if the photos you are uploading are under 16 MP each.

Dan and Ken: in regards to, - does it allow "contained" albums (sets)? From what I see PDMLers posting here, it is usually a single photo or the "stream" of photos, but that might be just because people have been sharing single photos..



On Mon, 28 Mar 2016, Igor PDML-StR wrote:

1. Well... strictly speaking it's a service that I am looking for, but in a way so that it's a commodity...

I'd like to ask if some PDMLers might have some suggestions for something that I am not aware of.
I am looking for a free photo-hosting service that we allow two things:
(1) convenient viewing and (2) private sharing via private URLs of
photos taken by my daughter with the family member.
And, potentially displaying some selected photos publicly.

In principle, a free Flickr account could be sufficient. ... but Flickr
now requires using a cell-phone number to activate a new Yahoo account,
and it refuses to accept a Google-voice number that I am using if I am forced to share my cell phone number.

I've just learned about "Thislife" [now] by Shutterfly. But I cannot figure out if there it is possible to create galleries that can be shared via a private URL, while keeping all photos private otherwise.
Has anybody tried them?

2. While searching for possible solutions, I was ... not surprised, but in a way amused by what some pundits write. I well realize that I am far from a "main-stream" user of many things, especially when it concerns pop-culture related to modern technologies.
But even with that in mind, ...

E.g. :
"While it does offer unlimited uploads, Google Photos compresses your images if they exceed the 16 MP mark. That would be a bit disappointment for professional photographers looking to upload high-res images to this network." While I see somebody using some cloud storage as a backup or online storage tool, but not for sharing purposes. Maybe it's just me, - but I am not seeing any professional photographer "looking to upload [more than 16MP images] to this network".
I wonder what other PDMLers think.



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