Site design has come a long way this past couple of years.  They're
definitely not as clumsy as they used to me.
But really, who wants to spend the time either writing or editing a PHP
theme (WP, Drupal, Joomla, et al).
Time is the thing for me.  

>Mark, Thank you for the suggestion.
>Yes, I've been thinking about that possibility before.
>And as you know, setting a server is not a complete novelty to me. ;-)
>I might go the route yuou suggested some day, but at this point, for the 
>project on hand, I am looking for something "off the self", light and easy.
>PS. So far, I have been unimpressed with the CMS/blogging platforms that 
>I've seen, - in the way how they organize photographs/viewing interface.

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