At 02:21 12-5-2002 -0400, Ed Dombek wrote:

>For her birthday the ladies purchased a ZX-M, the AA battery pack and a 
>smaller Tamrac bag.  I'm contributing a SMC-A 50mm/f2 and a SMC-A 
>28mm/f2.8.  I'm going to give her a lens pen, too.
>My question is this: Should I add another lens?  If so, what?  I'm 
>thinking a 85-100mm but can't seem to find one at a reasonable 
>price?  Suggestions?  Anyone looking to sell one?  Price is the major 
>factor here.
>I appreciate any and all responses.  Your input will - as always - be 
>greatly valued.

What a brilliant birthday present.
What is it with these people who say they should have bought a second hand 
K100 or a Spotmatic? Good grief. Party poopers. I know what I'd rather have.
Sounds like an excellent starting kit.
I'd like to second the suggestions for a 135mm. I only have experience with 
the M-series 135/3.5 but I think it would fit nicely with the camera, gives 
good results, nice and compact and could be got for a song. Also there is 
the 75-150 (again, M-series, I don't have much experience with "A" 
lenses)  which might be worth considering.
Sorry, not selling mine I'm afraid.


Wendy Beard
Ottawa, Canada
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