Godfrey made several very good points. I had been thinking about some of them myself, but forgot to add to my response. And I would like to highlight a few of them, very nicely formulated by Godfrey with minor comments from myself:

 Godfrey DiGiorgi Wed, 13 Dec 2017 09:04:52 -0800 wrote:

- A reasonable size that they can put on their phones, essentially, something like 1600 pixels on the long edge works well.

[IR: And that works for most computer screens and tablets too.]

-Forget delivering raw files ... It's not only a waste of time because they will almost invariably not know what to do with them, but it usually turns them off ...

[IR: So true! And falls under the KISS principle.]

- ALWAYS curate what you show them FIRST to be your best work, and show them the FINISHED work, not "work in progress."
- ONLY offer what shows your work off in the best light.

[IR: It's been formulated before, - possibly by Larry: "You are judged by your worst photo presented"]


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