On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 08:55:31AM -0500, Daniel J. Matyola wrote:
> https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/12/26/magnitude-4-0-earthquake-rocks-south-bay/

Thanks for the thoughts!

I'm probably the closest PDMLer to the epicentre - maybe 15 miles away.
But as it was only a magnitude 3.8 quake it's not really anything to
be particularly concerned about.  I was concentrating on a videogame*
at the time; when my wife said "Did you feel that?" I didn't know what
she was referring to - it wasn't strong enough to even rattle things.

* getting back into playing the "Legend of Zelda" games - we treated
ourselves to a used Wii U.  We're replaying "Twilight Princess",
which was the last Zelda game we had played (on the old Game Cube);
the remastered HD version is a lot better graphically, and I find
the Wii U controller a lot easier to use than the Game Cube ones
(especially for things like targetting; it's a lot easier to tilt
the controller than to make fine adjustments using the joysticks).
Having a second screen for inventory or maps is a nice feature, too.

We've got "Skyward Sword" and "Breath of the Wild" to play as well;

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