On 19/5/18, Nolan Hinshaw, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Oooh, she's a beaut. In San Francisco we have

Very nice!

I grew up sailing on the SF Bay. My father kept his 23 foot sloop in San 
Leandro and we would head out on a Friday afternoon for the cove round the back 
of Angel Island for the weekend, back late Sunday, and the drive home to Santa 

>after about of half a minute of slide show, you see her
>under way setting sail. Alma is a US National Historic
>Landmark and sails 50 to 150 times a year on San
>Francisco Bay, races every year in the Master Mariners
>rRegatta <http://www.mastermariners.org/MMBA/calendar/regatta/>
>every year, does educational sails with school-age children,
>and does port calls on the Bay/Delta system.

Excellent choice of name for the schooner-  Alma is also my wife's name ;-)

>I could wax interminably on this subject, but won't.

Feel free ;-)

Just do me one favour - please put the poor sod who edited that Youtube video 
out of his misery. Makes me dizzy!!



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