Well, at least your dog hasn't run away.

> On 31 Aug 2019, at 16:23, John <jsessoms...@nc.rr.com> wrote:
> There are times when I feel like this guy:
> https://browse.startpage.com/do/show_picture.pl?l=english&rais=1&oiu=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.speedsterowners.com%2FfileSendAction%2FfcType%2F0%2FfcOid%2F586079529002386241%2FfilePointer%2F586079529002386275%2Ffodoid%2F586079529002386251%2FimageType%2FLARGE%2FinlineImage%2Ftrue%2F1.%2520Joe%2520Btfsplk.2.jpg&sp=8c22b16ede779c99ddb00ae9d577bfac&t=air
> https://tinyurl.com/y55rj2bx
> By the "law of averages", there must be some guy living on the opposite end 
> of the bell curve; someone who *DOES* have "all the luck".
> Y'all should be glad you've got me around to absorb all the bad luck. How 
> does the song go, "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all"?
> I managed to mostly recreate my Troy-Bilt file with a couple of hours 
> internet searching; good enough to identify the parts I need. It's now 
> duplicated on two hard-drives & as soon as I get a round tuit, I'm gonna get 
> another off site backup set up.
> The thing about backups, is no matter how good you think they are, they're 
> never bullet-proof. There's always something you forgot, but you never find 
> out what that is until you need it and don't have it.
> My parts are ordered & have already shipped. Should be here by next weekend.
> It's a glorious day out there today. I've already been out a couple of times 
> to play with the dog, and I *might* even find some time to cut the damn grass 
> today ... or tomorrow, or Monday, or MaƱana ...
>> On 8/31/2019 03:10:39, Bob Pdml wrote:
>> You must spend a lot of time sitting with your head in your hands, asking 
>> "Why me, oh Lord? Why does it always happen to me?"
>> To quote the great Eric Cantona,"as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods".
>>>> On 30 Aug 2019, at 15:02, John <jsessoms...@nc.rr.com> wrote:
>>>> On 8/18/2019 17:24:38, John wrote:
>>>> ... or to quote William Bendix, "What a revolting development this is!"
>>>> MY second hard-drive (Drive 'D:') just crashed with no warning. BIOS 
>>>> doesn't recognize it. Dead as a door-nail.
>>> Update: I thought I had pretty much recovered everything of importance ...
>>> I have an OLD, OLD (1979?) Troy-Bilt SuperTomahawk Chipper/Shredder that I 
>>> use to chop up tree limbs & other yard waste for composting.
>>> It's getting into the time of year I use it the most. Yesterday one of the 
>>> shaft bearings shredded itself.
>>> NO BIGGIE! The bearings were a standard size & design and they're still 
>>> used today. I've already rebuilt the thing twice, so I won't have any 
>>> problems replacing the bearing. I've got a whole file full of parts 
>>> diagrams, manuals and a list of suppliers. I can get the part number & 
>>> order a new one.
>>> Guess where the file with all the part numbers was located.  Oh the irony 
>>> ... and it's not even Monday.
> -- 
> Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
> Religion - Answers we must never question.
> -- 
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