On May 27, 2021, at 11:30, Stanley Halpin <s...@stans-photography.info> wrote:
> Hang around. Abuse and humiliation and neglect are said to be good for the 
> soul, and you can find all of that hereā€¦
> And seriously, I have fond memories of sitting around with a group, after the 
> Eye, receiving a gift of landscape images from a region I still have yet to 
> visit. And you at least have hung in there with Pentax while Cotty and Bob 
> have flitted off to other marques. No, no flouncing called for IMNSHO.

A very long time ago, long before I acquired my Asahi Pentax S-1a (1968 while 
statioed in Vicenza IT via an unindicted co-conspirator in unit security who 
made regular round trips to Japan, taking orders an d shekels and returning 
with hardware)(couldn't afford a Honeywell Spotmatic) I messed around with the 
likes of pocket Instamatics and home-brew pocket-sized pinholes, so when an 
opportunity slapped me upside the heid, I found myself with a Holga, which in 
due time bred a Diana, and away I went (with lots of encouragement from the 
likes of Ted Orland!). I *do* still have a K-1000 and a K-10D and a Tokina 
80-200 zoom and use the dickens out of them, and enjoy the badinage herein 
(Thank you LRC! for pointing the way).
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