Hiya All

Yep, thanks to all who corrected me. I was thinking of Edward Wesston.
Unfortunately though I can see the pictures in my head they don't come with
subtitles. My apologies to all.

On another note I think the langauge of this forum needs to cleaned up.
There are people of various ages, nationalities and sexes on this list and
being disrespectful to another person is not only unbecoming but just not
plain acceptable. When you do it in public and in writting its just plain

So, I don't know what the rest of the groups opinion is but, if the various
people involved could kindly settle their differences with simple debate
without resorting to childishness I think it would go a long way to making
everybody feel a bit more comfortable.

I see lots of e-mail from people saying Hi....I'm....been a lurker for X
maybe some people have something to say but are intimidated by the harsh
behaviour of the more outspoken members.

I thought that this forum was for the discussion of Pentax products and the
various aspects of photography in general. I could almost understand if some
of the "debate" was between a nikon & a pentax user, but no. You guys all
have one uniting provision - we all love Pentax.

With all her faults and shortcomings, we still use Pentax gear to take
photo's. Some of us do it for pleasure, some of us like myself do it for

I like the quick funny ever now and then, then but when we start to attack
one another personaly then its is no longer a debate but a war. And
considering the age we are in I think there is far too much of it.

Play the ball not the man!


"Where Angels Fear Thread"

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