> Congratulations, Amita, and my best wishes to you and your betrothed.

> Where's the wedding going to be?  

On Long Island's North Fork, in an old Presybterian church. Very
photogenic. ;)

> And the honeymoon?

In the Finger Lakes of upstate NY, two weeks after the wedding.

>  And 
> what type of system will the wedding photog be using?

Bronica, with both b&w and color film. My maid of honor will use a
Pentax to take pix of the girls as we're getting ready. I will also have
both my Pentax bodies, my Rollei P&S, and the Optio during the weekend.
> I'll have a drink for you on the weekend (I'll be having a 
> drink anyway, so I might as well toast one for you...  <g>).

Haha...thanks! :)

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