Fred, I totally agree.  I wish it were only a fine piece of dust or two in a
few lenses.  I'm not completely anal about keeping my gear clean, but as I
was wiping away a smudge today from my 200mm lens, I noticed a "film" of
fine particles, almost appearing as if they were suspended in one of the
elements.  Then I checked a 135mm.  Same thing.  Then a 50mm.  Same thing.
My 24mm, not to the same degree, but still there.  My 43mm....phew!  Clean
and bright.  But still, nearly every k mount lens has some.  My Voigtlander
glass looks good however, and I'm just now going to look over my Pentax
screwmount lenses.


Fred said:
> I personally feel that some dust in unavoidable in many lenses, that
> it is not usually picked up in a lens during storage (unless perhaps
> the lens is sitting unprotected in a ~very~ dusty place), and that
> much (or most) of the internal dust in many lenses is picked up
> while focusing and/or zooming.
> Many lenses suck air in, as well as push air out, of course,
> whenever the internal air volume changes during focusing and/or
> zooming.  Unless the air passes through some sort of an air filter
> on the way in (such as with the VS1 600/8 and 800/11 Solid Cats),
> dust is going to be sucked in along with the incoming air.
> Of course, some lenses (e.g., internal focus designs, typically) do
> not suck air in while being adjusted, and may be freer of dust
> because of that.
> Fred

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